Monday, September 28, 2009

Clinton Claims Existence of Vast Right Wing Conspiracy...AGAIN!

So the libs are still at it. First it was Jimmy Carter saying we were racist. Then it was Bill Cosby, a conservative black man saying the same. Now we have Clinton resurrecting a term that was used during his years in office: Right Wing Conspiracy. Why is everything a conspiracy these days? Apparently Clinton missed the march on DC. Apparently he hasn't been looking at the polls. Apparently, Clinton claims to know why the president is failing even when Obama himself doesn't seem to know. I didn't know Clinton was all knowing, did you?

Clinton has stated that the reason the health care bill is failing is because of some vast Right Wing conspiracy that is dedicated to taking him down. Well, that "vast right wing conspiracy" is non-existent. This is not a conspiracy. This is a cultural backlash against years of fraud and corruption in Washington. It's not about Dems or Repubs. It's not about Right or Left. It's not about Liberal or Conservative. This is about OUR COUNTRY and the direction it's being taken in. The government is too big, and is expanding too quickly. What is happening now, in my opinion, is the beginnings of the contraction of that government. It always starts from the ground up.

The article in which clinton makes this bogus claim can be read here. CNN. Not surprising that they spun it so that it sounded legit.


  1. Warrior, I got your conspiracy right here, Conservatives are taking this Country back to where our Founding Father's intended it to be, you can take that conspiracy to the bank! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've been a little busy and just realized that you had left me a comment! I appreciate your input! Have you made it to a tea party yet? They are awesome and will invigorate you! VN8

  2. Yeah...we got it the first time when Hillary-dillary doc ran up the clock. If it is considered a conspiracy to organizer ourselves in an effort to rebuild American exceptionalism to the point where we again are a model for the world, sign me up! Leftwigs must have truly destroyed our country if we have to take it back in stealth. Nah, I think we're all in the open about our opposition to these knee-jerk socialists! If we were any louder, we'd have 'em by the throats and we'd be shaking vigorously!

  3. Just catching up on my reading... Clinton wouldn't know a conspiracy if it hit him in the face, well perhaps if it was wearing a skirt... Like I said in my Noway Norway, the only thing he'll ever get nomonated for is The Nobel Piece Prize...
