Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Westboro Baptist Church Agrees not to Protest Funeral of 9 Year Old

Sounds like good news, doesn't it? I thought so at first when I read it. Then I actually read the article. Apparently there's a little caveat to their agreement not to protest. They will renege on the protest idea if, and only if, they are given airtime on a local Canadian radio station to express their downright hateful views of all things American, from it's soldiers to its would-be-first-ladies. This is, I'm afraid, a necessary price to pay. As long as they're not ruining the funeral of the girl I'd be willing to give them the air time, despite my absolute disagreement with everything they supposedly stand for.

Too bad they didn't seem to feel the same way about the federal judge,or anyone else who died during that madman's shooting spree. Plans to protest those funerals appear to be underway even now.


  1. I don't know why they feel the need to go on a Canadian Radio program, when they can post their views on the internet, I know they have several sites.

    The only thing that's keeping me from blogging about this is that I know, one day, He will be judged. not by us, mind you, but by God, and he will have to answer for what he has done and said. I'd love to be a mouse in the corner on that judgement day

  2. I second Daphne. It's just wrong to do that anyway to me, but I guess sometimes you have to make sacrifices.

    And I'd rather NOT be there during their judgment day... :-/
