Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Thought a Deck had only 52 Cards...

If the above holds true, then the left should have run out of Race Cards ages ago, yet they keep on coming. It's getting almost comical at this point. Now we have a formerly noble organization, the NAACP, coming out and denouncing the TEA Party as racist based on...Nothing. They produce no video, no news articles, no quotes, and no suspects in any alleged racial profiling or other illegal or immoral act. You know what this means?

They got NOTHIN'!!! Nothing at all, brothers and sisters. The NAACP is like a smaller version of the UN. A good idea in theory, but in practice a big disappointment. At the start the organization wasn't disappointing, as the issues they bring to the forefront were real issues back in the day. Now though, people know better, and so there is less call for an organization whose sole purpose is to stamp out racism wherever it resides. Apparently they don't yet realize that they've succeeded largely in what they set out to do.

Via Moonbattery and the O'Reilly Factor today, as well as the Glenn Beck Program, I came across a story that involves the NAACP denouncing the TEA party and the racist elements within. Read the full story here.

Honestly, these nimrods need to get a clue. We are not racist, all the violent acts that have been perpetrated in our name have been performed by crazy LEFTISTS or by people PRETENDING to be associated with us TEA Partiers. Someone needs to wake up and smell the fireworks. Really.

here's the REAL TEA Party, in my opinion described perfectly in a song by Krista Branch;


Also, as a shameless attempt to gain more traffic, Legal Insurrection has a take on this.


  1. I love your blog. I showed my brother (who is addicted with Marvel) your entry about Capt. America and he was impressed. Even I was impressed, and I'm not into Capt. America like that. I mean, yeah, he's pretty epic, but I'm just not a huge comic book reader. I'm going to stop digging that hole I've dug for myself before I can't get out again ;)

    I for one thought it pretty funny that because I voted for McCain, I was racist (of course, I would have voted for Palin, but...hey, McCain was the best of two evils in my opinion). However, all the people that admitted they voted for Obama because he's black...no, they're not racist. They're making history. Umm...what?

    Anyway, I am hoping that this happens: They will continue to play the Race card. One day people are going to wake up and say, "Hmm...you know, they keep coming back to this 'racist' thing...maybe they're not." And the Tea Party was a whole lot calmer than some of the things I've heard about that the Obama administration is doing.

    But hey, what do I know? I'm just a racist, violent, moronic, jealous, crazy Conservative (anything else I left out?)!

  2. Oh yeah, I forgot about that one! Wow...why am I not in the closet cowering?

  3. Because we are SILENT NO MORE, BABY!

  4. Hun, you know that a standard playing deck has 54 cards, 52 that you can play with and two jokers?
