Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Conspiracy and Idiocy in Politics, Volume One

After listening to and watching several videos on Youtube throughout my latest traipsing through the internet community, I have decided to put together a little anthology. I run into so much idiocy as I wade through the jungle that is the modern media, that I decided to pay tribute to my favorite aspects of stupidity ever since I started paying attention in '08:

Number One: Bush can't open a door and the media goes nuts. Obama makes this many gaffs and only Fox and talk radio have the balls to report it, citing a double standard:

I guarantee you haven't seen all of those. And if you have, doesn't it make you cringe to know that the liberal media pretty much makes love to this moron every time he ties his shoes?

For our second bout of idiocy we turn to your favorite and mine, Vice President Joe "bite me" Biden:

And, for our third and final bout of idiocy, we turn to Conservatives4Palin, who originally posted the video of Obama's gaffes. They, an obviously pro-Sarah Palin website, brought this little gem to my attention just today:

We Won't Stand Down, We Will 'Refudiate': Exhibit A
By Sheya

How can I say this without offending anyone? I can’t. And frankly I don’t care if I do offend someone. The left, the media, and the entire national elite have gone mad, crazy, off their rockers.

Governor Palin sends a tweet and uses the word “refudiate” and bang! whack! every national and international media outlet goes into attack mode debating whether it’s a word or not. I am not going to pretend to know what the Governor's intentions were -- whether it was made on purpose or in error. Personally I believe it was intentional. The only reason the Mosque story got the attention it did today was as a result of this made-up controversy. She gets them every time.

But for the sake of this article let’s assume the Governor made a mistake. Newsflash: Governor Palin is a human being and she makes mistakes. We’re not a bunch of kooks who believe Governor Palin is the “Messiah”. At least her mistakes don’t leave the country trillions of dollars in debt.

So it was a mistake. Who the hell cares? By the outrage of the left you’d think that this was the first time a politician made a gaffe. Let’s examine the evidence, shall we:

“The time has changed for come.” (Barack Obama)

“Let me be absolutely clear, Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s.” (Barack Obama)

“I want to be very clear, we are resolved to halt the rise of [piracy] privacy.” (Barack Obama reading off a teleprompter)

“The reforms we seek, will bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system.” (Barack Obama reading off a teleprompter)

“There is much to celebrate from the FBI’s 100 days" [years] . (Barack Obama reading off a teleprompter)

“I don’t know what the term is in Austrian.” (Barack Obama to an audience of Austrians who, of course, speak German)

Refers to Matt Lauer as “Tim” not once but at least three times during an interview with Matt Lauer. (Barack Obama)

Refers to a guy named Mr. Williams as “Mr. Walters.” (Barack Obama)

“...Here in St. Louis... I’m in Kansas City.” (Barack Obama during his own nomination convention)

“How’s it going, Sunshine?” (Barack Obama in Sunrise, Florida)

“Thank You, Sioux City.” (Barack Obama in Sioux Falls)

Reads the word “Corpsman” as “Corpse Man“ twice (Barack Obama reading off a teleprompter)

“I have now been in 57 states.” (Barack Obama)

"One of the things which is a HUGE advantage for America compared to countries like Europe" (Barack Obama)

"The members of our highest court are granted life tenure, often serving long after the Presidents who appointed them. And they are charged with the vital task of applying principles put to paper more than 20 centuries ago to some of the most difficult questions of our time". (Barack Obama in nominating Judge Sotomayor)

Wow. Going nuts over a conservative woman making what was in all honesty most likely just a typo on twitter? How desperate are these loons that they have to jump and scream every time Palin makes a comment they don't like? They know who she is, and they're bat shit scared of her. If this doesn't prove it, what does?

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