Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fire From The Heartland Burns Bright in America

Well, this is a switch. After about two years of non-stop work, blood, sweat and tears I've finally reached a point where my financial freedom can and will once again be mine. Also, I picked up a prospect for making a little extra money outside of my job as a copy making drone. My parents, bless them, are out of town for the week and have left me in charge of house sitting their little California farm. Hoody Hoo!I woke the first morning to find a nice crisp Ben Franklin clipped to my little list of tasks that I'm to accomplish every night.

Personal story aside, I'm posting here tonight because, quite frankly, I finally have the time again. Something about being assigned the simple work of caring for a few donkeys, Labradors, chickens and goats while living on three acres of land all alone creates an excellent feeling of solitude. A feeling, honestly, that I had missed and hadn't even known it. Things have been rather hectic for me and my extended family (which consists of my fiancee and her mother) and I realized after waking up Saturday morning that I hadn't experienced quiet, REAL quiet, in over two years, since my girl's father tragically died of heart failure. Since then, I've been so busy trying to survive that I'd forgotten what it's like to live. I haven't even been here on the blog as much as I normally was two or three years ago. It's a nice feeling.

My time to myself has allowed me to casually surf the net looking for articles to be outraged about, and lo and behold, the left did not disappoint. I have just recently heard about a new DVD coming out called Fire from the Heartland, which is supposed to be about the rise of the Conservative woman. What? "Conservative woman? What's that?" you ask, well that would be women like Sarah Palin, Anne Coulter, Michelle Malkin, and others who not only talk the conservative talk, but walk the conservative walk. Sarah Palin, for example, is the classic low-taxes-cut-spending conservative that this country needs. Michelle Malkin is a balls-to-the-wall (term used loosely) woman who pulls no punches when it comes to Leftist (or even Right Wing) hypocrisy and corruption. Anne Coulter is much the same way, and indeed was in the game long before I'd ever heard of Michelle Malkin. Other such women include Conservative atheist S.E. Cupp of Fox News fame, Michelle Bachmann, congresswoman from Minnesota, and scads of others that I can't name here in one sitting.

This, for some reason is bad news for the woman-hating Lefties. I've been reading various articles, some of them having directly to do with Fire From the Heartland, some not. All of them are, however, examples of what one of the authors calls "femisogyny", which is the perfect term for something like this. Take the review, for the primary example of what I mean. The author links to several other articles that are not just insulting, but in my opinion downright evil. How can these so-called "feminists" be for all women and yet directly insult the very women they claim to be fighting for? The answer, of course, is that they can't.

Take the primary wins endorsed by Sarah Palin. These wins have caused the feminazi Left to go absolutely APE SHIT over the fact that someone who believes family is important, abortion is wrong, and homosexuality is immoral, can actually help people who believe as she does win in fair and square elections. Oh, the horror! Women who don't march in lockstep with the anti-family agenda? They must be silenced! They might actually influence other Thought Criminals and threaten the power base of the ruling class. Horror and damnation!

Fire From the Heartland has elicited the typical response from the left, very snarkily pointed out by the author of the link above.

I'm in full agreement with the author's point of view. Mama Grizzley's scare the left and their feminist bullies because, like all bullies, these women can't handle a stronger target than themselves. Pushback is creating an environment that has allowed many women to take a stand for REAL feminism that protects a woman's right to think for themselves. Apparently this doesn't sit well with the left because, according to a few of those lefty women, they aren't "real women" at all if they don't vote to kill their unborn child.

Well, all I can say is that Fire From the Heartland doesn't just burn on the big screen, but in real life as well. In my scouring of the net for news articles to bash and make fun of, I've discovered a sense of women feeling that their precious babies are in danger and woe betide anyone who gets in their way. Amen to that, sistahs! Keep up the good fight, because you've got a family loving supporter of a woman's right to be a woman right here typing away.

Continuing to Fight the Good Fight.

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